Natalie Schrogl, Founder & Managing Director 

For the past 10+ years, I have worked as an underrepresented executive in the banking and finance sector, successfully leading diverse teams in big corporates such as Targobank AG.

Throughout my career working in diverse roles and organisations, I have observed that while there are organisational cultural differences, most companies go through the same subconscious cycles and patterns which impede their long-term success.

Hence, their struggle to effectively improve talent retention, increase workforce productivity and remain relevant in the changing industry and leadership landscape.

After tapping into my years of experience, research, and the opportunity to sit with and learn from leaders across industries, roles, and global experience, one fact stood out, when leading in today's unprecedented pace of change in the market and technology, focusing on people is central to the future of work and leadership.

To successfully and sustainably lead today’s purpose economy demands a human-centered design because employees are intentionally looking for organisations and leaders that put their needs at the heart of strategy.

It is no secret that applying a human-centered lens to the key aspects of the organisation presents great challenges, and for this reason, I created The A.R.M.O.U.R of Leadership. 

The A.R.M.O.U.R is a leadership transformation framework built upon six principles to create sustainable ecosystems where humans remain empowered and valued in a world where technological advancements are evolving at an unprecedented pace. 

Think of me as the stone that sharpens your blade